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Category: Holidays
Those who love us and know us well are not mind readers. Help them out. If you dream of breakfast in bed, let them know.
Two thirds of our “sensing cells” are in our gut – that’s why when your child wakes in the morning and you know before he’s even gotten out of bed that it’s a going to be a lousy day you get that “kick in the gut” sensation.
Late bedtimes, disrupted routines, unsolicited advice, too much sugar and CLUTTER from all the gifts bringing you down? Here are seven steps to help you REBOUND from the post-holiday blues.
Darkness falls at 5:00 PM here in Minneapolis. Long, cold nights make us want to curl up under a down comforter with a good book or to simply fall asleep. But like the snow piling up outside, the “to do” list of the holidays dumps more on our schedules already filled to the brim. So how do you keep the “happy” instead of the “hollering” in the holidays?
Being a parent is hard work. Being a parent during the holidays ramps up that responsibility exponentially, add to the mix a spirited child and it’s as though you are about to embark on a tough guy mudder obstacle course.
Extroverts and introverts – what each type considers “fun” and “needs” is quite different during the holidays.
Tips for Halloween, Ghosts, Goblins and Emotion Coaching: Building the Relationship that Keeps Your Child Working with You
“There are so many life lessons in Halloween,” Lynn declared, and started off on a brainstorming marathon. I couldn’t resist joining the fun. Here is our list.
My spirited son has just turned eight. We had a party, a small gathering of friends which works well for him. He had a great day. Today his behavior is horrid. He is very easily frustrated, yelling and rude.