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Category: Parenting (keeping your cool)


Mornings have been going well. Drop-off at school, not a problem. Even pick-up from school AND bedtime have been relatively peaceful until everything blows up. It’s as though a force has taken over your child. NOTHING is right. 

October 14, 2024


Children synchronize to our stress level.  That is why the best thing you cna do as a parent is take good care of yourself so you can meet the needs of your children.

July 1, 2024

Girl crying over spilled milk

Perhaps it was the foot stomp punctuating the shrill rebuttal to your simple question that caught your attention today.   Lately, it seems “normal” for your child to scream every time you ask her to do anything.  How did this happen?    

February 18, 2024

February 12, 2024

February 10, 2024

January 13, 2024

Keeping the Keeping the

Darkness falls at 5:00 PM here in Minneapolis.  Long, cold nights make us want to curl up under a down comforter with a good book or to simply fall asleep.  But like the snow piling up outside, the “to do” list of the holidays dumps more on our schedules already filled to the brim.  So how do you keep the “happy” instead of the “hollering” in the holidays? 

December 19, 2023


The demands of being a parent can feel relentless. Frequent meltdowns wear you down, and leave you feeling powerless to stop them, but you are not. Today, Lynn and I offer you four effective strategies to lower stress by preventing some of the meltdowns from occurring in the first place.

November 26, 2023

September 18, 2023
January 10, 2023

May 23, 2022

April 5, 2021

February 10, 2021

3 Tips for Keeping Your Cool, by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka & Lynn Jessen

“I promised myself I was not going to yell at her again,” Kristin confessed.  “But sometimes it is as though it erupts from me. The force of it shocks me.  I keep wondering, who is this?” 

September 26, 2014

Why Do They Behave for Others and Leave me Feeling Like a Parent Failure?

Ever find yourself silently screaming wondering why your child behaves for others and falls apart the minute you walk in the door?  Are you an unfit parent?  Are you a failure?  Or, do these comments signify that you are doing a GREAT job!

July 8, 2013

When we need to calm first

You have asked your child to pick up his toys and he’s refusing.  When you ask, "What's up?” he drops into a full-fledged meltdown, screaming and kicking at you.  This was not in the script running through your head. 

May 2, 2013


It's hard to give my spirited daughter time to process emotions, because her actions push me away, when really, I think she wants me close.  It's so hard to be near her at those moments. I need time to process at that point. - Tatum

August 17, 2012



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