Paidea Child Development Center - Blog

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  It's mine! Sharing in the Sandbox and at Other Summer Gatherings

It's mine! Sharing in the Sandbox and at Other Summer Gatherings

After arriving at the gathering and dropping your four-year-old at the sand box, you’ve grabbed a few chips and a cold drink.  Shifting your shoulders slightly, you take a deep breath.  So far all is quiet.   

July 22, 2024


5 Tips to Stop the 'Strike out Tantrums:' Hitting, Biting, Kicking and Name-calling

What do you do when your child hits you?  Not a swipe mind you, but a fisted punch?  

July 14, 2024


How to stay out of the Red zone

Children synchronize to our stress level.  That is why the best thing you cna do as a parent is take good care of yourself so you can meet the needs of your children.

July 1, 2024


Child Development / Childcare for
Toddlers, Preschoolers, Schoolagers, & Kindergarten

Nurturing little ones since 1984!
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