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Category: Parenting during the Pandemic


Children synchronize to our stress level.  That is why the best thing you cna do as a parent is take good care of yourself so you can meet the needs of your children.

July 1, 2024

Girl crying over spilled milk

Perhaps it was the foot stomp punctuating the shrill rebuttal to your simple question that caught your attention today.   Lately, it seems “normal” for your child to scream every time you ask her to do anything.  How did this happen?    

February 18, 2024

February 10, 2024

Girl sleeps with teddy bear
January 7, 2024


The demands of being a parent can feel relentless. Frequent meltdowns wear you down, and leave you feeling powerless to stop them, but you are not. Today, Lynn and I offer you four effective strategies to lower stress by preventing some of the meltdowns from occurring in the first place.

November 26, 2023

June 16, 2022

April 5, 2021

February 10, 2021
January 11, 2021


How does one care for children, especially young children, AND complete paid employment tasks?

May 26, 2020


If severed support lines and ever-increasing demands on your time are leaving you feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone. Added to the viral plague is a mental plague – a sense that no matter how fast you run, or how much you do, you are not doing enough. Combine the two forces and the mere act of rising in the morning becomes daunting. How can you be kind to yourself with these foes at your door? 

May 10, 2020


Music reduces stress – supposedly. That is until you attempt to get your child to practice.  It appears that the “shut down” stress response has struck even activities children have previously enjoyed. The announcement of practice time raises a chorus of; “I can’t.” “I won’t.” “You can’t make me!” “It’s too hard.” “I miss you.” “Stay with me.” And repeats itself growing ever more “forte.”

April 29, 2020


Children synchronize to our stress. Taking care of you, is taking care of your child.

April 23, 2020


What’s Happening? Why Children Suddenly Cling, Don’t Want to Be Alone, or Refuse to Dress, Walk or Feed Themselves.

April 21, 2020


The threat of coronavirus ignites both your child's and your feelings, but what are those feelings?  How do you and your little one best cope?

April 20, 2020



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